Service Booking Overview
Learn how Maica brings all elements of the Service Booking lifecycle from PRODA and into Salesforce!
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Learn how Maica brings all elements of the Service Booking lifecycle from PRODA and into Salesforce!
Last updated
Like the Plan
, a Service Booking
record contains fundamental information that will very likely inform interactions with your Participants and how you engage with them, for example as part of your Service Delivery processes.
Per the NDIS definition below, the Service Booking
, together with the Booking Item
records represent the Type, i.e. Support Category, and the Amounts, i.e. Quantity and Rate that have been discussed, agreed and reserved for you to deliver support(s) to your Participants.
The quote below represents the NDIS definition of a Service Booking.
Service bookings are used to set aside funding for an NDIS registered provider for a support they will deliver.
Using Maica, you can create and manage all aspects of the Service Booking lifecycle directly in Salesforce, removing the need to double handle your work and/or jump in and out of PRODA to perform the same functions.
If you're looking for detailed information about Service Bookings and their importance in the NDIS, refer to the Service Booking resources published by the NDIS below.
The Service Booking
record is where you can find the following information and functionality:
Budget Information (Funding Information)
Service Booking Period Information (Start Date & End Date)
Service Booking Progress Information (Period and Funding Utilisation )
NDIA Synchronisation Information (NDIS Reference & Last Sync Date)
Booking Items (where the actual details of the funded supports are defined)
Of course, more Charts! The Service Booking
layout includes the following charts to so you can get a quick visual summary of the funded support information.
Description: This chart displays a view of the Total Allocated Amount
of associated Booking Item
records. Grouped by Support Purpose
Report: Contacts with Service Bookings with Booking Items
We have kept this simple as possible with Maica and used the same Service Booking Status
values you will find used in PRODA and replicated these in Salesforce. Meaning, that there is no need to try and map the Maica values to the same Service Booking record in PRODA - the terminology you are used to and familiar with is available in Salesforce.
In Process
Awaiting Participant Approval
Awaiting Provider Approval
Change Awaiting Participant
Change Awaiting Provider
The Deleted
Status does not physically delete the Service Booking
record in Salesforce. A Service Booking
may be set to this Status value when it is deleted by an NDIS staff member in PRODA. It is not possible to set this value via Maica functionality.
If you wish to cancel (or end) a Service Booking you should use the Manage Service Booking Quick Action, specifically the Reduce End Date
function. More on that further in this section.
The Manage Service Booking Quick Action (or QA) brings a number of key, everyday PRODA functions directly within Salesforce, again removing that need for you to double handle updates and juggle your work between two applications.
The Quick Action is accessed directly from a Service Booking record with each of the functions described below.
The Update function of the Manage Service Booking QA combines two options into a single process (you can of course complete one only if desired)! Via the Update action, you can manage the following:
To Extend the End Date
, simply use the End Date
input (highlighted below). Enter the revised End Date
When extending the End Date
, you can only extend current Service Bookings up until the End Date of the Participant's Plan
. If you select an End Date
beyond the current Plan End Date
, you will be presented with the following message:
Please note: Now that the NDIS has introduced Automatic Plan (and Service Booking) Extensions, you may not need to perform this function. You can read more about Automatic Plan Extensions from the NDIS resource below.
If a Service Booking
has multiple Booking Item
records for a Flexible or Core Support Category
(01 to 04), Maica provides the ability to adjust the Quantity
or Rate
to move funding between these Booking Item
records. You can do this provided there is sufficient Total Remaining
budget for the parent Service Booking
To do this, simply update the Quantity
and/or Rate
via the inputs highlighted below. Don't forget to check the box indicating have discussed this update with the Participant and then you are free to submit it to the NDIS.
Once the update has been successfully processed, the Booking Item records will be updated to reflect the budget reallocation.
Please note: whilst Maica will not prevent you from exceeding the Remaining Amount, a warning will be displayed that the Service Booking Remaining Amount is being exceeded.
If circumstances change between you and one of your Participants, you can use Maica to Cancel or End a Service Booking.
To do this, you do not need to delete the Service Booking, instead, you need to Reduce the End Date and set a date between today’s date and the current Service Booking End Date. This will automatically trigger a cancellation in PRODA.
There are a few important points to be aware of when you Reduce the End Date or End a Service Booking:
You cannot update the End Date of a Service Booking to a date before the date you are updating the booking, i.e. backdate it
PRODA (and therefore Maica) does not have a specific Cancelled
Status value therefore there is nothing on the record in Salesforce to indicate that the End Date has been reduced and the Service Booking cancelled
As a result, we have added an Info Panel to the Quick Action to let you know you will receive an error if you try to reduce the End Date again
Providers (like you!) have the opportunity to enter an accrual amount to ensure sufficient funds are retained in the Service Booking to cover pending Payment Requests for services delivered.
Any unspent funds are returned to the available support category balance. This ensures you can continue claiming for services provided (via Invoices and Payment Requests), but the Participant can use the unspent funds in a new Service Booking with a new Provider.
For more information regarding how to Cancel or End a Service Booking correctly and what happens in PRODA, please refer to the NDIS reference below.
If one of your Participants has chosen the NDIA to pay their Providers, i.e. Agency Managed, a Service Booking
is created by the NDIA to link the supports in their Plan
to their chosen Providers. As Maica is listening to the New Service Booking Provider
notification, this Agency Managed Service Booking
will appear in Salesforce with a Status of Awaiting Provider Approval
or Change Awaiting Provider
Given the Service Booking
is created by the NDIA (and not you), you must approve the Service Booking
before the Participant receives services. This ensures your Participant has funding allocated to pay your invoices (submitted as Payment Requests).
Use the Manage Service Booking
QA to Approve the Service Booking and begin delivering services.
The Reject option is related to the Approve function described above. If you do not agree or accept the Service Booking
that has been created/updated by the NDIA, you can reject it via the Manage Service Booking QA.
The Delete function provides the ability to update the Service Booking Status to Deleted. This will not delete the Service Booking record in Salesforce. Whilst this function has been included in Maica as the API supports its operation, it is unlikely you will need to use it.
If you wish to end a service booking, you should do this by updating the end date. Service bookings should not be deleted.
As the NDIS is ultimately the master of Service Booking
data, it is critically important that the two systems are aligned and consistent. Enter the Force Sync option.
In the event you believe a Salesforce Service Booking
record has become misaligned with the PRODA version, use the force sync option to update the Service Booking
and associated Booking Item
records. Essentially, all the data stored on these records will be updated and replaced with what is current in PRODA.
Please note: any manual data updates you have made to the Maica fields on the Service Booking
and Booking Item
records will be overwritten when the records by the force sync. Any custom fields (i.e. created by you and not Maica) will not be affected.