Appointment Management
Learn about Appointment Management within the Maica Client Care Solution
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Learn about Appointment Management within the Maica Client Care Solution
Last updated
Appointments are the single most important ingredient into the ability to schedule and roster resources. Maica Client Care offers a number of Settings on how Appointments are managed, as shown in the screenshot below.
Default Status
This is the status to which the Appointment will be set when being initially created.
Default Type
This is the type to which the Appointment will be set when being initially created.
Default Duration
This is the durarion to which the Appointment will be set when being initially created.
Agreement Expiry Tolerance
When Appointments are created, Maica Client Care validates this against active service agreements. This setting defines by how many days a service agreement may be expired and still be considered active.
Default Appointment Resource Status
When assigning resources to Appointments, it is possible to define the default status being used; this enables the capability to configure an acceptance process.
Show Appointment Cost
Maica Client Care calculates the cost of an Appointment (including recurring) based on applicable support items. This setting either switches this on or off to be visible.
Show Accomodation
When setting the location for an Appointment, Maica Client Care can optionally show a child accomodation which is mostly used within a residential care scenario.
Enable Appointment Tolerance Violation
Duration Tolerance
Within the validation process, this setting defines the tolerance the solution will accept as valid for the duration of the Appointment.
Scheduled vs Actual Tolerance
Within the validation process, this setting defines the tolerance the solution will accept as valid for the scheduled versus actual time of the Appointment.
Custom Fields
This allows for the ability to include your own attributes into the management of an Appointment. Simply select the Salesforce fields you would like to include and these will be shown when either creating or managing an Appointment.
Show Appointment Cost
This shows the cost of the Appointment for each participant, for each appointment service. Costs are calculated based on service agreement funding.
Show Accommodation
This shows any related accomodation records when selection a location during the management of an appointment. This typically only applicable to residential care scenarios.
Show Summary on Quick Complete
When quick-completing an Appointment, this enables to user to see the summary and amend any data, such as actual duration before actually marking an Appointment as completed.
Enable Appointment Files
This allows the uploading of files/photos to an Appointment record.
Enforce Agreement Leave
Service agreements can be placed on leave when a participant wishes to pause their services. In these cases, this either enforces the leave by preventing the Appointment being created or simply warn the user but allow it.
Enable Appointment Breaks
This enables the capturing of breaks (unavailabilities) during Appointments.
Auto-Schedule Appointment Creator
This determines if the user creating an Appointment is automatically set as a resource on the Appointment or not.
Allow Participant Overlap
This prevents a participant from scheduling more than one Appointment at the same time (or allows is depending on the setting).
Allow Resource Overlap
This prevents a resource from scheduling more than one Appointment at the same time (or allows is depending on the setting).
In addition to enabling these settings globally, ensure that each user has the required permission sets to execute these functions.
Maica Client Care offers an automated process of generating recurring Appointment records. The Recurring Appointment Creation Time
sets the time at which this automatic and background process is run.
The Maica Client Care solution offers the ability to Appointments. This setting either switches this on or off.