Invoice Scheduling
Setup Invoices to generate based on a period you define
The Provider Invoice Number is blank
If you select Reflect Plan Dates, the invoices will be generated going forward based on the Plan Date Range
This essentially defines the period, or book ends, for which the batch should generate Invoices
The Maica batch creates Invoice records based on the Next_Scheduled_Date__c on Invoice
This date is calculated by our logic in the relevant Maica trigger and gets populated with +1 month (for Monthly frequency) until it’s less than TODAY starting from the Schedule_Start_Date__c
Then Schedule_Start_Date__c is the base for the calculation
In a loop we add 1 month to the Schedule_Start_Date__c until it’s greater than or equals to TODAY then we set the Next_Scheduled_Date__c with the value
Using the Plan Start Day (not Date) as the Anchor Date
The screenshot below should help with all of this the Plan Start Date was 10/06/2021
See the mapping for reference:
Invoice.Schedule_Start_Date__c = Invoice.Schedule_Plan__c.Start_Date__c
Invoice.Schedule_End_Date__c = Invoice.Schedule_Plan__c.End_Date__c
Essentially, the invoice series will use the first invoice as a template and clone this based on the period, i.e. monthly
The Schedule Source Invoice is populated with this first Invoice record
CC: @Dmitry Lisovsky if I have missed anything!
Last updated